Father's Day June 15 2015

Quietly supportive and observing tenderly,
Dad is on constant watch.
In each month through Mum's pregnancy,
His excitement moves up a notch.

An episode of a baby kick,
Translates from Mum's words spoken.
Is something that Dad has to be really quick,
Or else he will miss that moment.

Until the day of delivery,
Dad has yet to rationalise.
Compared to Mum he is upon a new discovery,
The decision to be a father he needs to realise.

It is not a job but pure dedication,
To be the anchor in his family's foundation.
Never one to express - Dad keeps it all inside,
He lets his actions do the talking and continually provides.

A son's first hero, a daughter's first love,
Always there to listen and comfort.
Happy Father's Day Dad,
The tribute to you as above.

To all Dads and Dads-to-be, a Happy Father's Day!

Lots of love,